Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

a pathetic spectacle drenched in forget with a hint of child like innocence
never could one fault youth for feigning ignorance right?
oh but how hard it must be...torn between such polar opposites
never could a man know the difficulties of a blossoming rose pushing up to gain the favor of sunshine
what a dreary existence I lead shadowed forever by a complete lack of understanding
why ask so much, I hear through the garden.
why care so much, I scream in response.
oh so tainted are my thoughts, oh so ridiculous my requests.
silly me
I must want so much
so much time I require.


planning a day meant for just us is like kicking the dirt and cursing the dust
what is a plan but a tiny wish, a hope for later, an expected kiss
it only will happen if things work out, if you leave it alone and quit messing about
why derail a train carrying yourself when it could be so nice to be by ourselves
wake in the morn to a bright perfect day rolling right over and kissing your face
all these dreams ripped at the seams with no silver lining to mend what this means
a poor decision indeed to make plans it would seem guess its not worth waking from sleep