Thursday, October 20, 2011

Up all night

Jack (pittbull) was sick last night so no sleepy time for us all :(

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

a pathetic spectacle drenched in forget with a hint of child like innocence
never could one fault youth for feigning ignorance right?
oh but how hard it must be...torn between such polar opposites
never could a man know the difficulties of a blossoming rose pushing up to gain the favor of sunshine
what a dreary existence I lead shadowed forever by a complete lack of understanding
why ask so much, I hear through the garden.
why care so much, I scream in response.
oh so tainted are my thoughts, oh so ridiculous my requests.
silly me
I must want so much
so much time I require.


planning a day meant for just us is like kicking the dirt and cursing the dust
what is a plan but a tiny wish, a hope for later, an expected kiss
it only will happen if things work out, if you leave it alone and quit messing about
why derail a train carrying yourself when it could be so nice to be by ourselves
wake in the morn to a bright perfect day rolling right over and kissing your face
all these dreams ripped at the seams with no silver lining to mend what this means
a poor decision indeed to make plans it would seem guess its not worth waking from sleep

Saturday, August 29, 2009

its not that besting you really has anything to do you
no matter how many times we meet I will always want to win
it isn't to prove your inferiority but more my superiority in regards to everything
it is a drive that I can not deny, a way of life, a need, an uncontrollable urge to rise
I play and play and play not just for the love of the game but for the love of being the best

Good Morning

Rolling over I jump out of bed searching for the tune that was all night in my head
the beat was slow but the song was fast the words were muffled and from the past
scrambling with buttons and dials like a wild man in search of treasure
recalling beats, bridges, and versus measure by measure
I am frantic now and losing control like a beast is in my head tickling my soul
holding my thoughts hostage with with a fiddle made of gold
dangling a carrot from the end of a pole
on the tip of my tongue but just out of reach
thug life but poppa don't preach from here to the infirmary
shadow stabbing forgive and forget rock n roll all night benny and the jets
pretty girls make graves before you were punk idioteque
no no no none of it fits its all round when I am searching for square
I stare at the floor the ceiling my hands there's still nothing there
I am losing it now way to far gone but wait ...that melody that song
it catches me, cradling me like a newborn and brushing against my check
and just before the tempo begins to peek I remember the song and start tapping my feet
feeling the rhythm feeling the beat throwing on sneakers and hitting the street
moving my life day by day only asking that I hit play

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

to my immediate left and without a doubt
lies a magical thing, an always changing game
an infinite amount of variables mixed with a certainty only afforded to the few brave souls courageous enough to venture into its lair
you see the decision is the hard part
its a decision drenched in the past but yearning to dry into the future
an old wound in need of a suture a letter versus a computer each with its promise but only one leads me to her.