Sunday, June 28, 2009

fresh cut grass and fried bass with beer battered hush puppies and skynard on blast
a slice of heaven a piece of land a place to dip your toes in the sand
hot sun and coco butter bikini tops and hearts all a flutter
these are a few of my favorite things songs to sing and tire swings

I rolled over full of hope and feeling safe and warm with only a hint of uncertainty
I rolled over slightly afraid and child like
I rolled over slowly like youth at christmas time
I rolled over sure of something and unsure of other things
I rolled over wanting to share the morning and breakfast
I rolled over needing to say things I probably wouldnt have said
I rolled over but you were not in the bed

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Death metal in thompkins square park hmmm.....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

At work they asked us to help out with some charity work. They decided
on helping animal shelters with pet product donations A friend at work
said "let's look up the ugliest pets". I then proceeded to get carried
away. The end result terrified most of the staff. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The deed is done! I am almost officially stress free. Some folks have voiced concern in regards to my sanity given the severe change in tax bracket I am soon to experience. All I can say is that when I made the decision to move to NYC in the first place I did it with the same seemingly irrational determination. I decided to move to New York seven years ago on a whim having never even visited the place before. I made that wild move with one weeks notice hitching a ride with a friend. I stepped into my friends car holding two duffle bags and wearing flip flops in 80 degree Florida sunshine naively unaware of what was to come. Stepping out of the car I found myself in need of more suitable footwear as there was no longer sun but rather a curious white flakey mess known as snow surrounding my soon to be frost bitten toes. I didn't even own a scarf or heavy jacket until two days before my departure. I really had no idea what I was getting into. I had sold my truck to a friend for 800 dollars the week prior just to have any cash at all. If you live here I don't have to tell you that a measly 800 went fast. I had no job and no money. I was lucky in that my friend I hitched with was staying with his nephew in Queens and they agreed to loan me their couch for a few weeks. This was a one bedroom basement apartment with my friend, his boyfriend, his nephew and me...cozy. That is how it all began for me in the wondrous city, sharing a couch with a stranger kicking myself for not investing in real shoes and towing the line between excited and terrified.

Monday, June 22, 2009


My homey my dude through fist fights and feuds a surfing we will go
down and dirty now in our thirties with tides a running low
through waves of age and purple haze the years begin to show
as we have grown older we shared our shoulders through pains most will never know
and in the end I will be with you my friend and a surfing we will go

Sunday, June 21, 2009

First day of my life....

Have you ever felt like you took a wrong turn? It's almost as if a current is pulling and we just follow without question...Well I am getting out of the water. I have decided not to allow my possessions to own me, not to let money and job dictate what my life is or is not. To quote the goonies "I am taking it back, I am taking them all back". I have also decided to document the journey and share it with the world (or at least the part that cares).

Following the rules living governed by fools only adds to liberties rust
with paper and pen did it all begin but now its turned to dust
green back dreams and triple beams the world is for the youth
read a paper watch the news and there in lies the proof
I place my heart upon my sleeve and venture forth free
the smell of salt the sound of waves pulls me to the sea