Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The deed is done! I am almost officially stress free. Some folks have voiced concern in regards to my sanity given the severe change in tax bracket I am soon to experience. All I can say is that when I made the decision to move to NYC in the first place I did it with the same seemingly irrational determination. I decided to move to New York seven years ago on a whim having never even visited the place before. I made that wild move with one weeks notice hitching a ride with a friend. I stepped into my friends car holding two duffle bags and wearing flip flops in 80 degree Florida sunshine naively unaware of what was to come. Stepping out of the car I found myself in need of more suitable footwear as there was no longer sun but rather a curious white flakey mess known as snow surrounding my soon to be frost bitten toes. I didn't even own a scarf or heavy jacket until two days before my departure. I really had no idea what I was getting into. I had sold my truck to a friend for 800 dollars the week prior just to have any cash at all. If you live here I don't have to tell you that a measly 800 went fast. I had no job and no money. I was lucky in that my friend I hitched with was staying with his nephew in Queens and they agreed to loan me their couch for a few weeks. This was a one bedroom basement apartment with my friend, his boyfriend, his nephew and me...cozy. That is how it all began for me in the wondrous city, sharing a couch with a stranger kicking myself for not investing in real shoes and towing the line between excited and terrified.

1 comment:

  1. Just look where it get you!
    You never know in life where you can end. But taking some risks is always the best idea... from my point of view...
